Commercial Ductwork Thermal Insulation

Commercial Ductwork Thermal Insulation

Thermal insulation for commercial ductwork offers an effective solution to ensuring your Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning system continues to remain efficient during all seasons.

Ducts that carry cool and/or warm air need protection from the outside ambient temperature. Therefore, commercial ductwork installations require some form of thermal insulation to reduce unnecessary heat loss, or to protect cool air from external temperatures.

If left uninsulated, depending on the HVAC system in place, the plant will ultimately work harder, causing a reduction in efficiency and increase in condensation. A build up on external condensation will cause water to drip, leading to damp and discolouration to ceilings if left unaddressed.

 Fundamental Benefits of Thermal Insulation

  • Improved heat retention
  • Condensation prevention
  • Sound reduction
  • Protection from external elements

Thermal Insulation Options

There are various thermal insulation options for internal and external commercial ductwork. At EVS, our professional engineers will advise on the most effective solution to compliment your HVAC system and property, as well protect your commercial ductwork against impact and weather conditions.

For more information about thermal insulation for commercial ductwork please contact our team. Alternatively, for further details about our London ductwork installation services, please get in touch.


Our Services

Ductwork Installation

Ductwork Installation

EVS provide complete design, custom fabrication and installation of all types of ductwork including galvanised sheet metal, fire rated and UPVC – all in accordance with B&ES DW144 and British Standard Specifications.

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Thermal Insulation of Ductwork

Thermal Insulation

EVS offers all types of thermal insulation solutions to meet your requirements such as thermal insulation to ductwork and other services, ali-cladding and other various external finishes to protect against impact and weather.

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Ductwork Cleaning

Ductwork Cleaning

Complete duct and plant cleaning service on new installations (in accordance with DW/TM2), existing systems (in accordance with TR19) and performance verification in accordance with the Health Technical Memorandum 03-01). Post clean reports are issued as part of this service.

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HVAC Maintenance

HVAC Maintenance

EVS can provide PPM programmes and support on all types of ventilation and air conditioning systems such as AHU’s fire damper drop testing and single/multi split AC systems.

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